Working for the City We Want

Ford in, Ford out

I’m writing this under duress. 

I don’t want to write about them.

When I think of Toronto, I think of the beautiful ravines with trails walked on...

Okay, I’ll play.

The sense of entitlement by one family that holds the 4th largest city in North America in wonder – good and bad, amazes me.  I hear over and over that Rob Ford is the “everyman”, but Doug isn’t.  I hear that it doesn’t matter which Ford is on the mayoralty ballot, after all it is Ford Nation.

And then there is silence. Not golden, just a lot of re grouping by the main mayoralty campaigns. 

We wait to see what kind of campaign Doug will trot out.

Strategies and tactics are changing by the main contenders. 

But we are missing a critical piece of the political picture. Acknowledge what was Rob Ford’s success, the connection with ordinary people. Real or not, they believed it. And the true progressives want that connection for themselves, and for the entire city.

Don’t change the channel. There is more to come and I remain hopeful.

Labour Endorsed Candidates 2014


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The answer is simple, yet complex.

Because of city services, we can turn on a tap and get good, clean water; we can flip the switch and we have light in our homes; we can walk out our front door and access a reliable network of buses, streetcars and subway; and we have childcare centres for our children while we are working.